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It Takes a Village To Raise a Digital Citizen

In case you missed us at Twitter Headquarters last fall, at the Digital Citizenship Summit moderated by CNN's Kelly Wallace, you can watch our presentation: "It Takes a Village to Raise a Digital Citizen" here. But hey, but don't stop there. Why not binge watch the whole darn day? You'll learn an awful lot about Digital Citizenship from the top experts in the field including:

Jocelyn Brewer:

Matt Soeth:

Dr. Jason Ohler:

Panel Discussion With Mike Ribble, Dr. Michelle Drouin, Liz Repking, Dr. Kristen Mattson, Sarah Greter, and Amitabh Kumar:

See all the presentations here.

#digitalcitizenship #digitalcitizenshipsummit #ittakesavillage #digitalkids

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