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#DigiWishes: A Healthy, Balanced Life for ALL Students

So excited to share a wish from these Cyber Civics teachers at Central York Middle School, PA, who not only teach kids how to use technology well, but also how to balance it with REAL life. Thank you for all you do!

Our Digital Wish is for ALL students to lead a healthy, balanced digital life in order to be more connected with the people who matter the most!

Throughout the Fall, I would see six to ten children playing soccer in a dry water retention area on my drive home from school. My first thought was what an odd place to play soccer when there is a huge park down the street. My second thought was, WOW! It is so nice seeing a group of children playing outside. It brought back memories of my own childhood- running home and getting homework completed so that I could soak up the last bit of sunlight each day.

When I was young, I only had to worry about winter stealing my time outside. Lessons on balancing digital life is important because nowadays students’ time competes not only with shorter winter daylight hours, but also with their devices. Our #digiwish is for ALL students to lead a healthy, balanced digital life in order to be more connected with the people who matter the most!

Twitter: #cymshub



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We’ve made it EASY for parents and grandparents to give the gift of protection to the families (and schools!) they love this holiday season by following these three easy steps:

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#digiwishes #techbalance #balance #cybercivics #centralyorkmiddleschool

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